Tag Archives: gold

New: Black Loeffler Randall Jules Wedges! (and me)

As a petite girl, I do not exactly go crazy over flats, but trekking the California slopes in 5-inch heels is not always a feasible option. Hence, low wedges (and platforms!) are my new-found obsession. And my goodness, have I been going nuts over this pair for months. I introduce to you: the Loeffler Randall Jules Nubuck Wedges.

These shoes have a solid 3.5″ heel to lengthen your pins, 0.5″ (though I’d say even slightly higher) platform to keep you comfortable, luxe imported nubuck leather exterior, and a sexy little ankle strap complete with a glossy clasp in my favorite color. Sounds perfect, you say? Well, the $325 price tag agrees.

I was in love with these at first sight as both wedges and d’Orsays are a short girl’s best friends, but as a student, $300 for every pair of shoe is not exactly in my budget. Obviously, Loeffler Randall is a higher end brand, so I decided the quality would probably be worth lurking the net until I found some kind of sale–it’s Christmas time, after all!

Well, I lurked for weeks. And months. These babies are sold out in my popular size 7 in all major retailers like Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom, so I knew I wasn’t going to be able to try them on before buying. So I read every review I could, and found this fashion blogger who wears them a lot:

Nicolette Mason with Jules Wedges

On her, I think, they look even lower, so I got even more excited–could these finally be my new “flats”? The one thing I was worried about, though, was the narrowness–you can see here that it is definitely narrowly cut, and a couple reviewers mentioned this too. I don’t have particularly narrow feet, but I wanted them so much I was willing to risk it.

Anyway, as luck would have it, one day I actually found them at a secondhand luxury store in a size 7. I mean, this stuff doesn’t ever happen to me. I thought it must be meant to be. But then I also realized that these shoes were worn, and well, while I’m all for thrift clothing, shoes–closed shoes especially–is pushing it for my germaphobe triggers. Plus, I still didn’t even know if it would fit!

Although I was feeling like a brat at refusing a miracle find, I decided to stay on the lurk. And last week, my friends, it finally paid off. I ordered the last size 7 pair of Jules wedges from Amazon on sale on Friday after finishing my last final and feeling like a champ.

Well, they came in today, and without further ado:

My Loeffler Randall Jules wedges!
My Loeffler Randall Jules wedges!

I got excited and tried them on right under my baggy old winter sweater in my room, so I apologize in advance for the outfit and the background.

Me, old baggy sweater, new pretty shoes
Me, old baggy sweater, new pretty shoes
Awkward down shot, but they're still gorgeous
Awkward down shot, but they’re still gorgeous
Even more awkward. Wanted to show side views.
Even more awkward. Wanted to show side views.

As you can see, I have no sizing problems, length or width wise. They are extremely comfortable as expected, and although I am used to much higher heels, I think the super-low arch on these should work for just about anyone. They look and feel as expensive as they are. The toe is more pointy than what the pictures online showed, but I am fine with it–if anything, it makes them look even classier. I honestly cannot think of a single negative comment right now.

Anyway, there you have it. If you are in search of a comfy, versatile wedge to feel put together without killing your feet, this is the one. Happy holidays!